Wellbeing Journal

Portland College is using a wellbeing journal with their students. The journal is flexible and can be adapted to suit needs.


Introduce the approach or activity

This journal is a self-assessment document for learners to measure the levels of wellbeing against increasing physical activity.

It is based around the mental health and wellbeing model Warwick Edinburgh

“The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales were developed to enable the measuring of mental wellbeing in the general population and the evaluation of projects, programmes and policies which aim to improve mental wellbeing.

The projects in this instance is the 5 steps to wellbeing:

  • Be active
  • Be Mindful
  • Give to others
  • Keep learning
  • Connect

Learners will complete the Warwick Edinburgh scale as a starting point and then complete the journal each day identifying what well-being activities they have participated in during each day and assessing sleep.

Each week there is a reflection process where the learners can develop strategies and set targets for themselves as well as capturing how many hours of physical activity.

It is important to express that this journal does not need the full 4 weeks participation but can be accessed as and when by the learner cohort (dipping in and out)

Top tips and key considerations

  • Ensure the learner is aware of the 5 steps to well being
  • Explaining the benefit to both mental and physical health by participating in physical activity
  • Explaining that all physical activity can be used e.g. walking the dog, walking to the shop, gardening etc.
  • Explaining the benefits of sleep to well being

What resources are required?

No resource are required for this journal it will just be a reflection process of what the learner is doing during each day

How will you capture evidence of learning?

Evidence can be captured by the following:

  • Warwick Edinburgh Scale starting point – learners fill out the Warwick Edinburgh scale to assess levels of well-being.
  • Daily completion of activities set against the 5 steps to well being
  • Completing how many hours/minutes of physical activity each day
  • Weekly reflection on well-being and hours of physical activity completed
  • At the end of the 4 weeks the Warwick Edinburgh Scale will be completed again to assess levels of well-being against the hours of physical activity completed.