Treasure Hunts

Newfriars College has produced some treasure hunting kits that embed learning into day to day life and develop essential skills.


Introduce the approach or activity

These activities have been created to enable learners to spend time outside observing and interacting with their environment.

They can be used as a standalone activity. However can be used as a building block to a bigger project such as working in / designing a growing space.

By using all our senses to complete the sensory table we can discuss and make decisions around what is currently happening, what has come before and what might happen next.

An example of this might be to touch and hold the soil. Questions that might be asked are:

  • How does it feel / what does it look like?
  • Because it is dry what do we need to do?
  • What will happen to our plants if we don’t water them?

To introduce the activity a welcome message and video can be shared with parents /carers and as part of this core Makaton signs will be demonstrated. Around 10 is a good number in total. This will include the 5 senses and words like bird, flower, tree, clouds, car etc.

Top tips and key considerations

  • Consider the levels of support needed to complete the activity.
  • Resources can be differentiated or personalised as required.
  • Don’t rush the activity, consider what it can lead on to.

What resources are required?

  • An outside space (could be a public space)
  • Food for taste activity if nothing growing outside
  • Activity sheet to guide activity.